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binder_verticalBottom.gif BINARY binder_blank.gif
binder_topRightBottom.gif COTERIE binder_blank.gif
binder_topRightBottom.gif LIVE binder_blank.gif
binder_topRightBottom.gif PROJECT binder_leftToBottom.gif
binder_topRightBottom.gif RECORDING binder_vertical.gif
binder_topRightBottom.gif TEXT binder_vertical.gif
binder_topToRight.gif UPDATE binder_vertical.gif
this image is just avoiding blank class.


Terminologies used in the end products or discussion.

horizontal separator

+ product (software)

One of the end prodcut of this project will be resulted in a standalone computer software which can be distributed amongst musician. It will be a compiled (collected) Max/MSP patch.

> A PROJECT stands for a group of configuration data set by users. This can be saved or loaded and specific to a musical piece. It has similarity to ProTools' terminology "project".
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this image is just avoiding blank class.
horizontal separator hane.gif
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