「STURDY MIND」九州アンダーグラウンド音楽シーンをもっといいものにしていこうというイベント。
STURDY MINDとは「不屈の精神」を意味する。
02年5月にSTURDY MIND 1をはじめる。拠点は佐賀。
2006年2月11日、STURDY MIND 6 で一度区切りを付け、7回目からは福岡で開催する。佐賀で出てくれたバンドを今度は福岡に招き、九州全体を巻き込むイベントにしていく事になる。
"STURDY MIND" is an event that wants to pile up the music scene in Saga, and started.
STURDY MIND means "Indomitable spirit".
In the event concept, the event is held by all genres, the band this will of a different genre stimulates each other, and each listener is a thing that a different genre becomes a chance to touch, too.
It widely acts at first as a lot of guests are invited from other prefectures whenever times are piled up though it was a live almost event of the band in Saga.
The delimitation is put with STURDY MIND 6 once, and it holds it from the seventh times in Fukuoka. The band that went out in Saga is invited to Fukuoka this time, and this aim will be made an event that rolls the entire Kyushu.
STURDY MIND organizer "SHOW"