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Posters advertising the exhibit. Running from June 7 to July 6.
展示を広告するポスター.6月7 日から7月6 日まで続きます.
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Down the hall, and double sided! The last ones were exclusively from downstairs on the platform. A serious number of man-hours went into this project.

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Rumour has it that the "year of friendship" between Korea and Japan is in trouble.

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And the Koreans are out to conquer Japan!
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The men in uniform are ready. Forgot the North Koreans, they are brothers. Japan is the real enemy!
ユニフォームの男は,用意ができています.北韓国人を忘れていました,彼らは,兄弟です.日本は 現実の敵です!

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They're packing heat! And they aren't afraid to use them.
彼らは,闘争熱をパックしています! そして,彼らは,彼らを使うのが恐くありません

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They've got enough for everybody!
彼らは, みんなにとって十分になりました!

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But once they've tasted blood, they'll take over the world!
しかし,一旦彼らが, 血を流したらしたら,彼らは,世界を引き継ぐでしょう!
韓国が中国 モンゴルまで併合している。

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Japan certainly seems to die a lot in these pictures.

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One night only! A tiger verses a monkey! Wait, does Japan even have monkeys? Hoe-Ree-Cow! They do! Wait, oh... I get it. It's another slur. Rock on!
I wonder what would happen if we combined racial slurs with death?
ある夜のみ! 虎は,サルを詩で表します! 待ち時間,日本は,サルをさらに持っていますか? 鍬を入れて下さい- Ree - 雌牛! 彼(それ)らは,します!
待ち時間,オー... 私は,手にします.それは, 別の不明瞭な発音です.揺れますで!

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Now I know.

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What a fine idea in settling the two issues. Get the two leaders in a winner-takes-all wrestling match!

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Or put everyone in Japan in a cage, that works too.
またはまた鳥かご( 働く) でみんなを日本に入れました.

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One would think that the leader of an island nation of 120 million would be able to swim.

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No longer are the Japanese monkeys, rather they have become bats now.
But then Batman is cool so that might not be the best slur to be using.

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I'm not really sure.

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A popular claim in Korea today is that Japan wanted everyone to spell Korea with a C because K comes after C. Highly inaccurate, but sells newspapers. That, and Japan was asking everyone to call them "Nippon" instead of "Japan" at the time and N comes after both C & K..

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While one flag makes for a lovely footmat...

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A tiled collection is much more impressive.

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Alas! Japan has fallen off the Internet! Or something has. Maybe it was never there.
ああ! 日本はインターネットから落ちました! または、何かはそうしました。 多分、それはそこ

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Seems this child got the whole thing backwards, and Japan is telling Korea to fuck off. And giving Korea the finger, somehow.

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How sad, Japan has no friends.

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Not another match!

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This nice man is saving the flag. How nice.
この親切な男性は旗を保存しています。 どれくらい良いか。

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And his friend is helping too!

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I must have missed that issue.

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Puma is going to be pissed!

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Apparently the Liancourt Rocks are ripe tomotoes under the watchful eye of Korea, while they were certainly less than desirable under Japan. But then Korean schoolbooks teach the tomatoes are vegetables so I don't know if we can put a lot of faith in this one.
明らかに、Liancourt Rocksは韓国の注意深い目の下の熟しているtomotoesです、(竹島)彼らが確かに日本の下であまり望ましくはありませんでしたが。

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Seems the UN had a vote and decided the Liancourt Rocks were Korea's.
国連が、投票権を持って、Liancourt Rocks(竹島)が韓国のものであると決めたように思えます。

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The vote was 40 million to zero.

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One shouldn't approach the rocks. Or they'll open fire!
岩石に(竹島)アプローチするべきではありません。 または、彼らは射撃を開始するでしょう!

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Oh no! It's sinking! Another ship sunk by the brave forces on the rocks. Last time it was with mortars, this time with cannons.
いやだ! それは沈む予定です! 勇士によって沈められた別の船は岩石を押しつけます。
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Doing the happy dance!

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Or Korea will bite!

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And then Japan will die. Again.
そして、日本は死ぬでしょう。 再び。

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I'm not sure where "Fuck the Americans!" comes from. This child is obviously still stuck in last week.
Or possibly from the future when it's "fuck the Americans!" week again next week.
私は「アメリカ人をファックしてください!」がどこから来るかを確信していません。 この子供は先週、明らかにまだ刺されています。

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If only everyone could just pick up the phone and have a sane negotiation.

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It seems the rule is that Japanese companies suck and Korean companies rule. Except for Sony because everyone likes the PlayStation here, and Lotte which is a Japanese company lead by a man who used to be a Korean so the jury is still out on whether they hate the company or not.

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They make lovely subway posters, I would miss them if they were gone. And they change them every couple weeks.
彼らはすてきな地下鉄ポスターを作って、それらがないなら、私はそれらを逃すでしょうに。 そして、彼らは毎数週間単位でそれらを変えます。

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You suck, and we're going to clean the place up!

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You suck, and we're going to clean the place up by wringing you out!

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You suck, and we're going to clean the place up by wringing you out and taking out the trash!

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No need to use large swords when an exacto knife does the job. Curiously,
exacto knives are pretty much standard issue for all students in Korea.

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Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

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What do you do with erasers, you ask?

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You rub things out!

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They may hate Japan and the people, but the cute robotic cats from the future can stay.

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That's right! Pong! PONG! Wait, pong? The game where you bounce a ball back and forth? There is no power or strength in pong, though I did get to talk to Nolan Bushnell once and he marketed Pong.
そうだ! 悪臭を放ってください! 悪臭を放ってください! 待ち、悪臭? あなたが前後までボールを飛び跳ねて行かせるゲーム? 悪臭にはどんなパワーも強さもありません

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THat's a pretty big cannon.

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It's a trick question! Every answer is the same. I'm so smart, nothing gets by me.
それは落とし穴のある問題です! あらゆる答えが同じです。 私が非常に賢いので、何も私を

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Korean and Japanese phones sort of look the same.

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How.... phallic. Maybe Korea really is just frustrated.
どのように… 男根であるか。 多分、韓国は本当にただだめにされます。

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I don't know if it's wise to be talking about the IQ of the enemy when one can't even get the distance correct as to what they are fighting over, but anyway Japan is lead by a man with an IQ of -1000. And the sly child coupled that with a picture that basically means he is a crying bitch. (puppy / dog-baby is a Korean swear word) Not as brave as the guy who drew a picture of Japan saying "fuck you" to Korea, but he made the effort.
距離が1つで彼らが争っていることに関して正しくなる場合がないときさえ、私は、IQに関して話しているのが賢明であるかどうかを敵が知りませんが、とにかく、日本は-1000のIQをもっている男性によるリードです。 そして、陰険な子供はそれを彼が泣き叫んでいるビッチであることを基本的に意味する絵に結びつけました。 (犬子犬/赤ん坊は韓国の呪いの言葉です) 「ファックユー」と韓国に言う日本の描いた奴と同じくらい勇敢な絵ではなく、彼が努力をしました。

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Actually, that should be "KTF". Now I can use my phone on the rocks if I go to visit there.
YES! And they are a fine Internet provider. "Have a good time." The Japanese are stupid indeed...

実際に、それは"KTF"であるべきです。 今、そこを訪問しに行くなら、私はオンザロックの電話を使用することができます。
はい! そして、それらはすばらしいプロバイダです。 「良い時間を過してください。」 本当に、日本人は愚かです…

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Well, at least they are playing together instead of the Japanese flag being murdered.

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I'm not really too sure. Perhaps the child was saying "I'm going to tear you a new asshole."
私は本当にそれほど確信していません。 恐らく、「私はこのa新しい馬鹿野郎を苦しませるでしょう。」と、

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Oh crap, giant squid! And they are making Japan stinky! Or shitty. Both?
おお、大便、巨大なイカ! そして、彼らで、日本は悪臭があるようになっています! または、
不快です。 ともに?

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Can't go a day without involving the Americans.

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Step one: Kill a Japanese citizen.
ステップ1: 日本人の国民を殺してください。

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Step two: Place body here, wherever here is.
ステップ2: ボディーをここに置いてください、どこ、ここ、あるか。

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Step three: Repeat until one can repeat no more.
ステップ3: 1つがそれ以上繰り返されることができないまで、繰り返してください。

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Or if one runs out of time, burning the place down works too.

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Boot to the curb!

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This is not a poorly drawn woman, but a man.

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I told you. Though at least he just dresses in drag and wears a flower on his head to make the large dollars instead of
going under the knife for something more permanent.

私はあなたに言いました。 少なくとも彼は、何かより永久的なもののためにナイフの下を通ることの代わりに大きいドルを稼ぐために抗力でただ装って、降りかかって花を着ますが。

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Oh fuck! He's going to eat Japan! And damn it, he can do it!
おお、畜生! 彼は日本を食べるでしょう! くそっ!、そして、彼はそれができます!

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I'm pretty sure the X and O doesn't mean kiss and hug as one would traditionally expect.

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Ah ha! That's how they do it! Hypnosis! Now you too will believe every claim ever made!
ああ、ハ! それは彼らがどうそれをするかということです! 催眠! 今、あなたも今までされたあら

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After being hypnotized, Japan will surely say they were sorry. Again. For the who-knows-how-many-timeth.
Timeth? Is that a word? Probably not. Oh, and they probably want cash.
催眠術をかけられた後に、日本は、彼らが残念であったと確実に言うでしょう。 再び。 だれが、多くがどのようにtimethされるかを知っていますか? Timeth?
それは単語ですか? たぶんそうでない。 おお、彼らはたぶん現金が欲しいです。

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And there will be much sadness with the people in Japan.

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But there is hope for the future.

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One day, the broken hearts will have healed.

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And perhaps one day, everything will be all righ

特定国家を対象にここまで憎悪の教育をしているのは韓国 北朝鮮しかないでしょう。
これらの世代が成長したら 韓国はどこへいくのでしょうか?


我が日本も 韓国 北朝鮮が反日教育をやめないなら 防戦対策を検討せねば なりません。
