
Let's think together about C6.


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One day, I got a question from my uke student.

I am practicing "Kaimana Hila Powered". At almost the end of the song, there is C, G6. On the score, the words on the first lines look like "7, 0, 0, 0" but I think it's not "7". Also, I do not know how to play G6. And, I do not understand F chord on the third line "8, 5, 5, 5" Can you please explain that. Thank you.

And I answered,

Generally, chord change "C" means the chord is constructed by notes C, E and G. So when you play "C" chord in position of 3-0-0-0、it sounds C-E-C-G. When you use 7-0-0-0, it sounds E-E-C-G, it's also an excellent "C".
Yes, you can find many "C" positions on your finger board finding the notes C, E and G. For exsample, 7-0-0-0 and 10-0-0-0 are also "C", check it out. And also I use positions for "C" such like 3-3-4-5, 7-8-7-9, 10-8-7-9, 3-0-0-5 and many more.

You know the Chord "F" is constructed by notes F, A, and C. The position 8-5-5-5 sounds F-A-F-C, it's also "F". Basic position for "F" is sometimes 0-1-0-2, it sounds A-F-C-A, so it's also "F". You can find another "F" such like 3-1-0-2, 3-5-5-5, 8-8-9-10 and more.

"G6" means "add 6th note from G on the "G" chord". Can I explain? This time, 6th note is...G, A, B, C, D, E...it's note E (mark that G is the 1st). Position 8-8-8-8 sounds E-B-G-D, it's "G6". Another "G6" on your fingerboard are, for example, 2-0-2-0 and 2-3-4-4.

It's little bit hard to explain music by words (moreover it's English!), is it OK?
Please feel free to ask me anything, TKS.

Next day, I thought more introduction was required, and wrote below;

Good morning, Ivy.

Yesterday I said that, 3000, 3345 and 7879 are both the "C" chord. OK, you can find many "C" position on your finger board finding C, E, and G. Let's find the ability, you can use the positions for "C";

on 1st line: 3, 7, 10
on 2nd line: 0, 3, 8, 12
on 3rd line: 0, 4, 7, 12
on 4th line: 0, 5, 9, 12

You can make your "C" chord using combinations of this positions. Here is 192 patterns for "C" in your 12 flets.

When you want to sound the chord "G", you only need to sound the note G, B, and D. You can find the note on your finger board, then you can make 150 to 200 of the positions, it's very easy.

When you make your "C", you can make easily C# moving parallel to 1 flet right. If you make "C" by 3000, "C#" is 4111. When you make "C" by 3345, "C#" is 4456, right? It is because the high position is usuful, sometimes you can change the key of song easily just moving position of key.

OKay, you learned that same chord has many positions on your finger board.

I also wrote;

"G6" means "add 6th note from G on the "G" chord". Can I explain? This time, 6th note is...G, A, B, C, D, E...it's note E (mark that G is the 1st). Position 8-8-8-8 sounds E-B-G-D, it's "G6". Another "G6" on your fingerboard are, for example, 2-0-2-0 and 2-3-4-4.

In "C", when you wanna sound the chord "C6", 6th is the note A, is it right? 1,2,3,4,5,6 equal C,D,E,F,G,A. It's very simple. When you need to sound "C6", you need to sound C, E, G, and A. Simply 0000 sounds "C6", it's very easy. And sometimes 3002, 3545, and 0345 are also "C6", you know what I mean.

In fact, Chord Name is not so difficult.

Generally, in the Universe there are only 3 chords such like Major, Minor, and Diminish. Written on C, there are C, Cm(C-), Cdim(Co). Sometimes they have some numbers as C6, C7, Csus4, C9, Cm-9, these numbers are not so important. If you don't like numbers, forget about it.

When you wish to play the number, it's simply teaching the note from the key, C6 means "add note A on "C"". Gsus4 means "add note C on "G"" (4th note on "G" is C). It's very simple.

I have 1 more topic for you.

I said that 0000 sounds C6. 0000 has notes of A, E, C, and G, you know. Sometimes same position sounds Am7, because Am7 has notes of A, E, C, and G. Or, 0000 also sounds Fmaj7add9, because Fmaj7add9 has notes of F, A, C, E, G. This time, position 0000 has 3 different name in chords. Mark that same position has many chord names. 0202 sounds D7, F#dim, Am6, and more.


  • Same chord name has many positions on your finger board.
  • You can make your own position for the chord as you like to use.
  • In the Universe there are only 3 chords such like Major, Minor, and Diminish.
  • Same position has many chord names.


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