Live Schedule




Set Lists

2013/10/26 : 錦糸町 rebirth
  1. backstairs chord
  2. Nervous
  3. Style
  4. irony
  5. fade-out
  6. Karma
  7. savant
  8. Langur

2013/07/20 : 錦糸町 rebirth
  1. backstairs chord
  2. Nervous
  3. Style
  4. swallow
  5. fade-out
  6. Antithesis
  7. Draw the Curve
  8. Langur
2013/04/13 : 本八幡 The 3rd Stage
  1. inclined
  2. Nervous
  3. Style
  4. Karma
  5. irony
  6. Draw the Curve
  7. Langur
2013/03/16 : 本八幡 Route14
  1. Night of Despair
  2. Nervous
  3. Style
  4. irony
  5. dark days lie ahead
  6. Draw the Curve
  7. Langur
2012/08/11 : 本八幡 Route14
  1. backstairs chord
  2. Style
  3. irony
  4. Antithesis
  5. Draw the Curve
  6. Langur

2012/05/12 : 本八幡 Route14
  1. Antithesis
  2. Style
  3. Flare
  4. Draw the Curve
  5. Langur
  6. karma
2012/02/25 : 本八幡 Route14
  1. Draw the Curve
  2. Langur
  3. swallow
  4. inclined
  5. dark days lie ahead
  6. karma
2010/12/04 : 本八幡 Route14
  1. inclined
  2. Foresight
  3. Swallow
  4. Langur
  5. Lament of Outsider

2010/05/29 : 六本木Edge
  1. 13
  2. Eyes behind of the Wall
  3. Draw the Curve
  4. Reboot
  5. アイロニー
  6. 悪魔の呼ぶ声
  7. 光の渦
  8. Lament of Outsider

2009/12/05 : 本八幡サードステージ
  1. inclined
  2. Reboot
  3. アイロニー
  4. Criminal
  5. Dark days lie ahead

2009/07/18 : 本八幡サードステージ
  1. Night of dispair
  2. inclined
  3. Flare
  4. swallow
  5. Karma

2009/05/02 : 池袋chop
  1. to the hell
  2. 光の渦
  3. Reboot
  4. Dark days lie ahead
  5. Draw the Curve
  6. 13

2009/03/08 : 本八幡サードステージ
  1. 13
  2. Eyes behind of the wall
  3. mescaline
  4. Draw the Curve
  5. Karma

2009/02/11 : 新宿URGA
  1. Draw the Curve
  2. Eyes behind of the wall
  3. 13
  4. mescaline
  5. Reboot
  6. Karma

2008/08/02 : 六本木Edge
  1. Karma
  2. Draw the Curve
  3. 光の渦
  4. Flare
  5. would? (Alice in chains)
  6. Lost in reverie
  7. 悪魔の呼ぶ声
  8. Dark days lie ahead

2008/07/21 : 上野DOOBIES
  1. Draw the Curve
  2. 光の渦
  3. Flare
  4. would? (Alice in chains)
  5. Lost in reverie
  6. 悪魔の呼ぶ声
  7. Dark days lie ahead
  8. Karma

2008/05/17 : 秋葉原PAGODA
  1. Night of despair
  2. Eyes behind of the wall
  3. to the hell
  4. 悪魔の呼ぶ声
  5. 光の渦
  6. Karma

2007/12/15 : 梅島ユーコトピア
  1. mescaline
  2. Night of despair
  3. Eyes behind of the wall
  4. Reboot
  5. Flare
  6. 13
  7. to the hell
  8. Karma

2007/07/16 : 六本木Edge
  1. Night of despair
  2. Eyes behind of the wall
  3. to the hell
  4. Flare
  5. 悪魔の呼ぶ声
  6. 光の渦
  7. 13
  8. Karma

2007/04/28 : 秋葉原PAGODA
  1. Night of despair
  2. Eyes behind of the wall
  3. Flare
  4. 悪魔の呼ぶ声
  5. mescaline
  6. to the hell
  7. 光の渦
  8. Karma



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