
幸せは長くは続かない? でも少しでもつないでいるよ
どうあがいても散らばってしまうのか 最後の日にはきっと・・・

変わらないでいて 3年後逢ったときでも今のままの君で
忘れないでいて あの時の透明なPure

時々は考えたりする その明るさは何処から来るのか
負け犬の生き様ばかり 暗いニュースはいつでも瞬き
どうあがいても散らばってしまうのか 最初の日からずっと・・・

変わらないでいて 3年後逢ったときでも今のままの君で
忘れないでいて 誰にも負けない気持ち
出会いと別れが 僕達を惑わせるけど 別れなんてものは
存在しないと いつでも信じてるから
思い出の中 絵をかいた 君を忘れない ずっと・・・

変わらないでいて 3年後逢ったときでも今のままの君で
結局僕らは 歩き出していくけど
出会いと別れが 僕たちを惑わせるけど 別れなんてものは
存在しないと いつでも信じてるから
忘れないでいて 誰にも負けない気持ち
変わらないでいて 忘れないでいて

作詞作曲 nararinn

Happiness does not continue for a long time.
But it gazes at shining signs that it has tied that there is very nothing.
In the last day, it is surely whether it will be scattered however it may struggle ...
Three years after not changing, even when it meets, he does not forget in you with now.
Transparent Pure at that time sometimes -- It thinks.
being scattered,
however the brightness may lose in where it comes from,
a dog may be useful,
dark news may wink only in about appearance always and it may struggle -- from the first day -- much ...
Although the feeling
encounter and separation in which do not forget in you with now and nobody is lost can confuse me even when it meets,
three years after not changing,
after believing always that a thing does not exist in separation etc., it is in recollections.
He does not forget you who drew the picture.
It is ... all the time.
Three years after not changing, even when it meets, they are me after all at you with now.
Although he begins to walk,
encounter and separation Although I can be confused,
if a thing does not exist in separation etc.
After believing always,
whatever it may not change and may occur after this,
he does not forget.
It is defeated by whom, twists and does not divide strangely [ feeling ].
He does not forget.
