
[Oct 2000  SELECT]

8.33pmAs the tape of 'Fuckin' in the Bushes' fades out
Liam :"If you think I'm over the moon to be here, then you must be trippin'. This is for Bob Geldof, this is for Simple Minds, this is for all the other fucking idiots. Glad you made it. This isn't fucking Live Aid, and I bet you with it was fucking free and taken the furniture, with the solicitors. I don't even have a fucking teabag to my name."
8.45pmTo Keyboard intro to 'Who Feels Love?'
Liam :"hat's like fucking Postman Pad. If you're to do Wembley, If you're to do Wembley it's best to be pissed out of your head."
8.50pmAfter 'Supersonic'
Liam :"That was fucking rubbish. Listen, I'm in and out of here after, I ain't no celebrity, I ain't no fucking Fran Healy, I ain't no dickhead, ain't no arsing aboutc That bloke down the front's a pillock."
Noel :"Be nice, be nice."
Liam :"Do you expect us to be professional? This place is a football field, what's so fucking good about it ? I'm here with a bunch of mates and I'm fucking havin' it ! You're that, you're playing Wembley Stadium, it's time to have some fuckin' excitement in this shit hole."
8.56pmBefore 'Shakermaker'
Liam :"This is for all the knobheads out there, just fuck off."
9.12pmAfter 'Step out'
Liam :"Shall we let Noel carry on? You cheeky bunch of fucking bastards, I'll come down and join you. Eight fucking ears and I'm not arsed. Is it professional this gig ? Is it really Smash Hits , are you having a good time? I hope fucking not."
9.20pmBefore 'Roll With it'
Liam :"This is for all the alcoholics. Noel G's more of a pisshead than I've ever been, so this one's for Noel."
9.30pmAfter 'Stand By Me'
Liam :"Look it's a tradition, we need to see breasts on the screen. Come on, get them out! Right here, show us the other one!"
Noel :"Nobody's on what you're on. "
9.35pmAfter 'Wonderwall'
Liam :"If you think that's good you're off your fucking head. It must be good, I'm on it. Most of the band are on it."
9.45pmAfter a segue of 'Cigarettes & Alcohole' and 'Whole Lotta Love'
Liam :"I'm in one of them moods, one of them moods you can't get out of. It's true, I'm a fucking twat. Knock this stadium down!"
10.10pmAd-libbing to ' Rock'n Roll Star '
Liam :"And it's good for our Noel!"