  2012 World Shakuhachi Festival in Kyoto
   114th Shakuhachi Honkyoku Zenkoku Kenso Taikai
           6月3日(日)普化正宗総本山 明暗寺 Sunday, June 3 at Myoan-ji Templa

     This is an annual event in Kyoto, and the most traditional gathering in the whole shakuhachi world.
     You can have a rare opportunity to see and to hear the essence of shakuhachi honkyoku in this gathering.
     It is also a memorial gathering in honor of Kyochiku, a zen monk who founded the shakuhachi tradition in Japan.
     Admission free.

   --Important Notice--
      Though this event will be held as a part of the World Shakuhachi Festival, it is a financially
      independent event from the WSF2012. Anyone interested in performing in this event must pay
      the performance fee in addition to the fee for the WSF. The following information is for those
      interested in participating in the 144th Shakuhachi Honkyoku Zenkoku Kenso Taikai.
      In keeping with Myoan-ji tradition, classic honkyoku pieces are usually performed.
      While many participants wear kimono and hakama, traditional Japanese attire is not required.
      Performers, however, should maintain a respectful dress code suitable to a religious observance.

 <献奏のご案内> Information
  The 114th Shakuhachi Honkyoku Zenkoku Kenso Taikai will be held in Kyoto this June.
  All shakuhachi musicians are invited to participate.
  Shodo Sakai, President of Kyochiku-zenji Hosankai, Myoan-ji
  (1) 日 時  平成24年6月3日(日曜日)午前9時開始予定
  (2) 会 場  明 暗 寺
  (3) 献奏料  1曲1人 10,000円(1人増す毎に4,000円増し)
  (4) 昼食代  1,200円
  (5) 写真代  1,200円(送料含む)
  (6) 献奏終了後・歓談会 参加随意―無料―
  1. Time : Sunday, June 3, 2012, from 9:00am
  2. Place : Myoan-ji Temple
  3. Performance Fee : \10,000 yen for a solo performer
   * If you perform together with other performers, add \4,000 yen per person (for reduced rate).
    (ie, one person playing alone will be 10,000 yen, two people playing together will be 14,000 yen total,
    three people playing together will be 18,000 yen total, etc.)
  4. Lunch Box : \1,200 yen
  5. Commemorative Photo : \1,200 yen (including postage)
  6. We will hold a free party after the gathering. Participation is not required.

   Please send an application letter to Myoan-ji. Please write your name, address and a title of
   a piece you intend to perform. Also please indicate if you like a lunch box (4), photo (5),
   or will attend the party (6) above.

  ★ 参加者には払込用紙を送らせて戴きます。
  ◎申込〆切日 3月25日(期日は厳守にてお願いいたします。)
  * After receiving your application, we will send you a postal return form.
  * Please wire the participant fee with the form.
  * If you do not return the form and fee by the deadline, we must delete your name from the program.

  Thank you for your understanding.

  --Deadline-- March 25th

  --Send to--
   Kyochiku-zenji Hosankai
   c/o Myoan-ji
   15-797 Hommachi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0981

  *If you reside outside of Japan or if it is difficult for you to send a letter to Japan by the deadline,
  please contact WSF (Yodo Kurahashi). Click here.

  〒605-0981 京都市東山区本町15丁目797
  理事長  酒 井 松 道
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