                         「一本竹」世話役 西田壬山
  「2012 国際尺八フェスティバル in 京都」協賛事業
  日時   2012・6・5  10:00am 〜 8:00pm
  場所   高槻市生涯学習センター 多目的ホール
  参加費  一人1曲 10分  5,000円
       団体1曲 10分 10,000円
  条件   日本人 本曲のみ
       外国人 制約なし
  備考   参加人数により開演時間、持ち時間の変更がありますので、ご了承願います。
  親善交流会会費  3,000円  演奏終了後
  申し込み  フェイスブックにて受付
        西田壬山  岡田拓山  神崎 憲  吉村蒿盟  まで
  締め切り  2012・5・31 又は 定員50名が満ちたとき
  Supporter of the 2012 World Shakuhachi Festival in Kyoto
  International Friendship Concert
     "一本竹(Ippontake)" Shakuhachi Honkyoku Concert
     Shakuhachi lovers from all over the world will gather for the 2012 World
     Shakuhachi Festival in Kyoto. The "一本竹(Ippontake)" concert series has
     as its objective the international propagation of the shakuhachi. We have
     invited international students to our concerts, among other thing. Taking
     advantage of our proximity to Kyoto, we have planned the special event,
      "一本竹(Ippontake)" International Friendship Concert.
                Jinzan Nishida, Directer of "一本竹(Ippontake)"
  Date and time : 10am - 8pm, Tuesday, June 5th, 2012
  Place : The Multipurpose Hall of Takatsuki City Lifelong Learning Center
  Performance fee : \5,000- one piece per person, 10 minutes playing time
           \10,000- one piece per group, 10 minutes playing time
  Selection of piece : Japanese performers : honkyoku only
             (Foreigners may perform anything they like.)
  Remarks : If there is a large number of participants, the starting time may be
       changed, and the 10 minutes playing time may be shortened.
  Post-concert party : \3,000- (participation not required)
   Registration is accepted at Facebook
    Please specify your name, nationality, how to contact now, a name of a piece
    to be performed, playing time, and how to contact while in Japan.
    Please apply to Jinzan Nishida (西田壬山), Takuzan Okada (岡田拓山),
    Ken Kanzaki (神崎 憲) or Komei Yoshimura (吉村蒿盟)
    Deadline : May 31st, 2012 (up to 50 people will be accepted)
   ●Hankyu Railway
    About 20 minutes to Takatsukishi Station from Kawaramachi or Karasuma Stations
    About 10 minutes walk from the station, 500m west of the Takatsukishi Station
    About 20 minutes to Takatsuki Station from Kyoto Station
    About 15 minutes walk from the station, 800m south of the Takatsuki Station