
you freeze all the things
when you feel all the pain of days
all you see turns into
pieces of ice and remain in my breast

when you sleep they turn into crystals
But you never see it and I gather these piece
all you need is staring at this change
always, always

I'm just staring at ice on your face
I'm just staring at ice on your face
I'm just staring at ice on your face
going to shine today,today


i thought all lights were turned off
but there was a candle in my hands
just flickering faint flame

but someone came to revive our life
just before the end of my light

my little flame was saved this time
glowing up and goin' to bright
I found another candle

that was faint, but mine lit it up
our flame united at once

just flickerilng,just flickerlin faint light,
just flickering in our hands