Title: Futurama-Lab. 4 Label: Futurama Laboratory Release date: 8 October 2007. CD-R. AFR-0004. On sale at CD Baby. 4th compilation album of electronic music such as ambient, electronica, techno and so on. You can download demo mp3 files, however, each file is about 30 seconds long. You can listen to these tracks longer by streaming at Futurama Laboratory's pages in Last.fm or in CDBaby.com. Click the above image linking to this CD page in CD Baby. There are more detailed descriptions of this CD and the streaming files.
Title: Futurama-Lab. 3 Label: Futurama Laboratory Release date: 29 April 2007. CD-R. AFR-0003. On sale at CD Baby. 3rd compilation album of electronic music such as ambient, electronica, techno and so on. You can download demo mp3 files, however, each file is about 30 seconds long. You can listen to these tracks longer by streaming at Futurama Laboratory's pages in Last.fm or in CDBaby.com. Click the above image linking to this CD page in CD Baby. There are more detailed descriptions of this CD and the streaming files.
Title: Futurama-Lab. 2 Label: Futurama Laboratory Release date: 09 October 2006. CD-R. AFR-0002. On sale at CD Baby. A compilation album of electronic music such as ambient, electronica, techno and so on. You can download demo mp3 files, however, each file is about 30 seconds long. You can listen to these tracks longer by streaming at Futurama Laboratory's pages in Last.fm or in CDBaby.com. Click the above image linking to this CD page in CD Baby. There are more detailed descriptions of this CD and the streaming files.
Title: Futurama-Lab. Label: Futurama Laboratory Release date: 29 April 2006. CD-R. AFR-0001. On sale at CD Baby. A compilation album of electronic music such as ambient, electronica, techno and so on. You can download mp3 files of several tracks, and listen to more tracks by streaming at Futurama Laboratory's pages in Last.fm or in CDBaby.com. Click the above image linking to this CD page in CD Baby. There are more detailed descriptions of this CD and the streaming files.
CD Baby [Futurama Laboratory]
MySpace [Futurama Laboratory] last.fm [Futurama Laboratory] member's websites –¢—ˆ•]˜_ (in Japanese) Secret Rhythm (in Japanese)
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