( It ) awakes because of the popping noise the pane
Temperatures cooled as much as benumbed air
To the sunlight in the morning which enters it from the space of the curtain
Light dizziness and feelings which were about to be forgotten

Only dissatisfaction grows
I wonder whether to have overlooked it important
In this space

The room to which ( it ) looked back never changes
Though it is thought it is a little cold
Any one which grows dim though the presence blots does not exist
Every day when mist became light once

The oath set up in old times has not already become shape
Memories weaken slowly and go now

Here : as a place without there finishers is not a start either
To outskirts which the hand does not reach through all eternity

The room where ( it ) sat down : in yesterday and the same
However , whats who fade a little compared with ahead
Any one which grows dim though the presence blots
because of the tear does not exist
Only the continuing door was certain
The memory weathers and ( it ) over there at time
Still , you can recall it same time
Shining every day without that replacing