Separated at Birth?

Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4

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Meet Sim Mansun!

Sim Mansun is a Mansun tribute band from Sim City.
Well, actually these are the captured images from "The Sims",  an everyday life simulation game by Maxis. Meet "Mansun Family" I created for this game.
Sim Mansun plays "I Can Only Disappoint U" with Junko (me!) on keyboards.
Sim Mansun in Japan. Paul and Chad in my neat Oriental livingroom. (No way!) We all look rather nervous somehow. (Hope you can see Chad's hairly chest in this pic.)

In the meantime, Andie and Stove frolic in a kitchen.
* Thanks to Barairono Jinsei, Sim Goddesses, Super Sims and many other great Sim designers for beautiful skins and objects.

Meet Mr Draper the Cat!

Another picture from a game. Let me introduce you to my cat, Mr Draper. He is a virtual pet from a mailer programme PostPet. I named him after Paul because he dances like Paul!
He dances everytime I play a CD on my computer. Look at the way he grinds his hips!  He especially likes to dance to "Drastic Sturgeon".
And he sometimes goes head-banging too.
* Before you ask me...No, I don't know if this software is available in English.