僕が愛して止まないオンラインショップの1つにリーズのNorman Recordsがあります。ポストロック、エレクトロニカ、インディなどをメインにした充実の品揃えと親切な対応。オーダー後1週間ほどで送られてくる荷物には手書きのメッセージと1枚のガム(笑)。個人的に大ファンで何度も利用しています。Normanはまた、オンラインショップと並行してJonathon Whiskeyというスプリット7”をメインとしたレーベルも運営しています。ポストロックやエレクトロニカのまだまだ埋もれている新人を積極的に紹介している姿勢には大きなリスペクトを抱いています。以下はオーナーであるPhilへのメール・インタビューの模様です。

>>>norman records web

interview with Phil 13.1〜16.1

*こんにちは! まずはあなたとnorman recordsについて紹介して下さい。

Phil >>

*normanは何を意味するんですか? 何かに由来しているとか?

Phil >>
いや、ただの思いつきだよ(笑) UKにはAndy…などといったレコードショップがたくさんあるんだ。僕の名前ではなくNormanで良かったかな、と思うよ。だから付けたんだけどね。すべては単純に…と。


Phil >>
HoodやFlaming Lips、Venetian Snares、Cassette Boyはたくさん売ったはずだよ。実際のところはどうなのか、思い出す事が出来ないけれど。MorrやStatic Caravanといったレーベルはすごくいい売上を記録したのは確かだよ。


Phil >>
かつてBeckのWestern Harvestの10"を再プレスせざるを得なかったのをよく覚えているよ。ジョナソン・ウィスキーは別にしておそらく最も売ったときで1週末に100枚以上だよ。結局3ヶ月で200枚を販売したんだ。逝かれてるよ(笑)


Phil >>
Freedom Soundsというイベントを毎月一緒に主催していて、レコードを回しているんだ。1晩中、エレクトロニカやヒップホップ、インディを楽しくミックスしたりしてね。イベント名のとおり本当に何でも流れているよ。Hoodのメンバーが1人辞めてしまったりと何度かラインナップに変更もあったけれど。今は他のメンバーが加わっているけどね。ときにはゲストも呼んでいるよ。

*僕は jonathon whiskeyのスプリット・シリーズが大好きで、バンド・セレクトの素晴らしさには毎回驚いています。どのようにしてクールなバンドを見つけてくるのですか?




*jonathon whiskeyを始める前に、レーベル運営に関する知識とかってありましたか?

いいや、全くなかったし、Left HandのLP(JWの記念すべき1stリリース!)がきちんと出るまでは恐れてもいたよ。でも、そんなに大変ではなかったし、みんなが一刻でも早く手に出来ればとの思いもあった。まだ契約といった法的なことにはそれほど踏み込んでいないんだ。でも悩まされるほどのことではないよ。できる限り、形式ばらずに誠意を持って続けていこうと思っているんだ。


いくつか好きなレーベルはあるよ。DominoやStatic Caravan、Planet Muはすごく尊敬に値するし。彼らはみな、とても高い質のアーティスト/曲をリリースしているし、まだ聴かれていないアーティストに機会を与えているしね。オンラインショップなんだけど、他のところとコンタクトを取っていないし、その必要にも迫られていないから、よく分からないなぁ。必要なモノや欲しいモノはすべてここで手に入るのだから!

*例えば雑誌発行やフェスティバル主催など… NormanやJonathon Whiskeyで今後してみたいことってありますか?



*please introduce yourself and norman records

hi my name is Phil and I run Norman Recods and Jonathon Whiskey. I've been doing the mail order thing now for about almost 8 years! We sell indie, electronica and experimental music over the internet for folks who live in areas where they have no decent record shops. Jonathon Whiskey is the label i've been doing now for about 3 and a half years and we mainly specialise in split 7"'s though we've done the odd CD!

*What does it means Norman?
Is it named after something?

no it's just a name I thought of. Over in the UK there's records shops like Andy's etc and I thought it would be good to have a named record shop but not my name so I made a name up. All very simple........

*What's the biggest sales in 2002 at norman?

god knows. We've sold a lot of Hood, Flaming Lips, Venetian Snares, Cassette Boy, alsorts of stuff. So much I can't remember to be truthful. Certain labels we do well with like Morr Music and Static Caravan too.

*What's the biggest sales in the past?

I remember once getting the repress of Beck's Western Harvest 10" and we sold over 100 in one weekend which is the most we've sold of anything apart from perhaps the odd Jonathon Whiskey release. We went on to sell around 200 over a 3 month period. Crazy madness!

*I hear that you and hood have the party in leeds.
please tell me about it.(dj play? or bands play?)

well we have a night in Leeds every month called Freedom Sounds which we set up together where we would play records. It was a sort of anything goes night with an interesting mix of electronica, hip hop, indie..... alsorts really. Anything goes, hence the name......  Though we've had a few line up changes and now there's only one member of Hood left now doing it some of the other members still come and guest there from time to time.

*I like jonathon whiskey's spilt series.
and it's band selection is amazing cool.
so,how do you find the cool bands?

I usually just ask the bands and most of them say yes. Been very lucky so far with all of the folks that I've asked and I've had some great records. I basically release anything I like. It's an anything goes type label with no set genre of music being released. Though there's a fair bit of post rock in there!

*Do you think what's the important thing between label and bands?

let the band have artistic freedom. As long as I like the music I'm happy to go along with bands requests re packaging/artwork etc as long as it's not prohibitively expensive. You need to support bands/ artists like you do children. It's all very parental. It helps if everyone gets on too bit I suppose that's obvious.

*Before you start Jonathon Whiskey,
did you have the knowledge about management or so?

no, I had no idea and I was terrified when the Left Hand LP came out (the 1st thing I released). But it's not that difficult and you get the hang of it pretty quickly. i haven't yet entered much into the legal side of thing with contracts etc but that's something I'm not bothered about. I want to keep it all as informal and as straight forward as possible.

*Are there any labels and online shop that you have sympathy with?

There's some labels I really like. I respect Domino, Static Caravan and Planet Mu an awful lot. they all release a lot of quality acts/ tunes and are prepared to give unheard of folks a chance. Re online shops I don't really have much contact with other places as I don't need to. I get everything I need or want here!

*Do you have the plan that Norman and Jonathon Whiskey wanna do in the future? like magazine, festival...

not really no. I've released a lot over the last couple of years and I want a quiet year.... though I say that every year! I haven't really had as much time to do label things over the last 6 months cos we've been really busy but I'm hoping to get some more exciting things planned for the future!