1.at first,I read
many praised reviews through website.how about the reaction in uk
after releasing "krkonose"? |
Yeah, just about everywhere
that reviewed it said really nice things about 'Krkonose' - The Wire,
Rock Sound, Kerrang!, Sleaze Nation, etc - and we were part of a feature
in Rock Sound about "post-rock". We're mainly cynical and think that
nobody would run a bad review to a small band like us as there wouldn't
be much point slagging it off when not many people have heard of us,
but then it was flattering as nobody was forced to say complimentary
things! It was nice also as it was our first recording that we were
more or less really happy with, and the guys who put it out (My Kung
Fu) worked really hard on it. |
2.when I
listened "krkonose" at first, I felt MMA advanced greatly! (sounds,skills
and sences...etc) what's happened to MMA? |
Well I guess since
our first album, Lorna left the band and so we became a three-piece,
which made us a lot more focussed. We had to be, especially live,
as there was one less person's worth of noise! But it actually made
recording the album easier really, as there was less to organise!
We managed to use a lot more electronics, keyboards and even a few
vocals, which we've been working towards for ages, and after well
over 100 gigs before the album came out, I suppose we must have improved
as a band in terms of playing ability! We also recorded all of this
album ourselves, which gave us complete control over how we wanted
the songs to sound, albeit with some basic materials thanks to us
never having much money! |
3.what does
"krkonose" mean? |
'Krkonose' is a massive
mountain in the Czech Republic, which obviously had a link to the
name Mountain Men Anonymous and as a word just looked good written
down, kind of jagged and cold, like a mountain. And possibly like
the album too! |
4. Surprisingly,you
played over 100 gigs before the album came out! It's just like US
bands do! So,could tell me one of the stories that was most impressive
in gigs.
Well the last gig
we played in 2004 was supporting Lightning Bolt in Bristol, which
was amazing as they're pretty much our favourite band right now. They
were nice guys too, and because they don't play on stage, there was
no PA so we just set up in front of Lightning Bolt's kit and played
virtually sat face to face in a little circle! The gig was sold out,
so it was pretty busy with the crowd just stood right next to us!
But we've played loads of really cool gigs (a festival in Holland,
lots of brilliant places in Ireland) with some awesome and/or quite
well known bands (Les Savy Fav, The Fall, dalek) which we probably
never thought we'd do when we started the band. Playing outside next
to an artificial lake/pond in Birmingham on the spur of the moment
- we were supposed to be playing inside the venue, but decided to
play outdoors just beforehand - was a weird experience too! |
5..I read
your life changing album are Mogwai -? 'Come On Die Young', Guns N
Roses -? 'Appetite For Destruction', Rage Against The > Machine
-? 'Rage Against The Machine' on Drowned In Sound. I also sympathize
these,especially Mogwai and RATM, and RATM is youth soundtracks of
mine.Could tell me > the favorite albums in recent years.
Wow, there's so many!
Everything Shellac and Lightning Bolt have released I suppose has
been pretty influential on MMA, but we're also heavily into electronic
music and more experimental drum n bass, like Soundmurderer and Remarc.
Soundmurderer's album in particular is one of the best LPs, full stop!
Personally, stuff like the last Tomahawk album 'Mit Gas', Elliott
Smith's albums (especially 'Elliott Smith' and the latest one 'From
A Basement On The Hill') and both of Dizzee Rascal's albums have been
in my stereo an unhealthy amount over the past couple of years. And
Rage Against The Machine remain about the only band I liked when I
was 15 that I still love today! |
6.How's recent
indie scene in Wales? shamefully, Wales bands that I know are Manic
Street Preachers, Super Furry Animals and Gorky's Zygotic Mynki...
There have been some
excellent bands coming out of Wales recently, people like Mclusky
(although they've just split up sadly), Jarcrew and The Martini Henry
Rifles. But although there's a lot of good rock/indie stuff, it's
a shame that there's not so much decent electronic music. There's
quite a good rap scene though, plus the Super Furries and Gorky's
are still doing Wales proud! |
don't know Mclusky is walsh band. I watched them last year's ATP and
its amazing powerful show! they just split up?! It's shocking for
me..! |
Yeah, Mclusky live
here in Cardiff, we know two of them well enough to speak to whenever
we see them. They are (or were) a great band though, seen them loads
of times, played with them a couple of times too. We were at that
ATP last year too (although not playing!) and it was amazing. Mclusky
were great, Shellac were awesome as always, and Lightning Bolt were
immense! |
including 3 vocal tracks, and they are good accents for album. I don't
think that album should be all instumental. what do you think that?
I think it's important
for any band not to limit themselves - if we said "we're an instrumental
band, so therefore we can't EVER have any vocals" it would be stupid
and counterproductive. So the three tracks, especially the one with
our friend Caroline from the band Delicate AWOL, really stand out
but at the same time help to make the rest of the album sound more
varied. But when we play live it can be more difficult to involve
the vocals, especially as when we tour we often play places without
a PA in the venue. |
9.what is
expressed most through your gigs? In what ways do you think your gigs
and recordings differ? |
Volume is probably
the main factor at our gigs!! If we don't sound very loud, it doesn't
have the same power. And I think if you're watching a band like us
then it should be so loud that you can't have a conversation with
the person stood next to you. We always joke that this is why nobody
ever walks out of our gigs halfway through - because they can't hear
their friends going "this is dreadful, shall we go?" But gigs
are also the cliched 'pressure release' for us I guess; no matter
how far you may have driven in a day or how many arguments we've had
with each other, the actual gig is kind of seperate to everything
else. |
tell me your future schedule. I'm looking forward to hearing your
new songs and watching your gig in Japan some day.
At the moment we're
having kind of a break, but there are plans for a couple of releases
in the near future. We're planning an EP that will feature videos
we've filmed for two tracks off 'Krkonose', plus we're having remixes
done for us by Zan Lyons and Shitmat amongst others.The other possible
release is a live album, which would be a mixture of stuff recorded
at one of our gigs last year and live radio session tracks, but we've
still got to sort that one out. A friend in Hong Kong wants to put
this out, which would be amazing. And long-term it would be unreal
to play in Japan, we've heard so many great things about playing gigs
there, it would be the trip of a lifetime! |
the WireやRock Sound、
Kerrang!、 Sleaze Nationなどあらゆる雑誌で 'Krkonose'は好意的に書かれていたね。それとRock Soundでのポストロック特集ではフィーチャーされたバンドの1つだったし。それについて僕らはシニカルに捉えていて、僕らみたいな小さいバンドのことを誰も悪く書き立てないと思うし、僕らの音楽を聴いたことがある人も多くはないだろうから、罵倒するようなところは見当たらないんじゃないかな。でも誰一人として止むを得ず賞賛したわけではないから、お世辞だったんだよ。レコーディングを心底楽しんだのは初めてのことだったから良かったよ、そして今作を世に送り出したMy
Kung Fuのみんなはほんとよく働いてくれたんだ。 |
たとえ基盤となる素材が少しだとしてもね。多くのお金を所持してない僕らに感謝! |
Mountain Men Anonymousというバンド名とリンクしているのは明らかだよね。それと一つの単語として見たとき、山のようにギザギザとして冷え冷えとした雰囲気の綴りがいいんじゃないか、と。このアルバムのようにね! |
4.アルバムリリース前に100回以上のギグをしたなんてビックリ! まるでアメリカのバンドみたいだ。それじゃあ、ギグで最も印象深かった出来事をひとつ教えて。
Boltのサポートだったんだけど、ものすごく大好きなバンドだったんで興奮したよ。彼らはナイス・ガイだったし、 なにせステージ上で演奏しないからね、PAがなかったので僕らはLightning
Boltの機材の前で準備して、小さな輪となり顔を向き合わせて座り演奏したんだ! そのギグはソールドアウトで僕らの次を待つ観客は慌ただしい様子だったよ。 Les
Savy FavやThe Fall、dalekといったすごく知名度のあるバンドと共演したりと、本当にクールなギグをたくさん経験した(オランダのフェスティバルとかいくつものアイルランドの華やかな場所とか)。バンドを始めたときにはおそらく考えられなかったことなんだ。バーミンガムでは人造湖の横で場当たり的だけどプレイしたよ、会場でプレイするべきだったんだけど。でも野外でプレイすることを事前に決めていたなら、変わった体験になっただろうね! |
In Soundで、Adamの"人生を変えたレコード"が Mogwai - 'Come On Die Young'、Guns
N Roses - 'Appetite For Destruction'、Rage Against The Machine - 's.t'だと読んだよ。僕もこれらの作品には共感できて、特にMogwaiとRATM、RATMは僕にとって10代の頃のサウンドトラックでもあったんだ。そこで、ここ数年のフェイバリット・アルバムを教えて。
実験性の強いドラムンベースにはかなり入れ込んでいるしね。特にSoundmurdererのアルバ ムはベストLPの一枚だ! 個人的にはTomahawkのラスト作'Mit
Gas'、 Elliott Smith'の作品(特に'Elliott Smith'と最新作'From A Basement On The
Hill') 、それと不健康な作品なのだけどDizzee Rascalの二作は過去2,3年に渡りずっとステレオに入りっぱなしなんだ。Rage
Against The Machineは15歳のときから今現在までずっと大好きな唯一の バンドだ! |
6.最近のウェールズのインディ・シーンはどんな感じ? 恥ずかしながら、Manic
Street PreachersやSuper Furry Animals、Gorky's Zygotic Mynkiくらいしかウェールズのバンドを知らないんだけども...。
Martini Henry Riflesのような素晴らしいバンドを最近のウェールズは輩出しているよ。たくさんの良質なロック/インディバンドは存在するんだけど、きちんとしたエレクトロニック・ミュージックはそれほど多くはないんだ、残念ながら。もっともかなり良質なラップ・シーンがありつつ、一方で
the Super FurriesやGorky'sが依然ウェールズの誇りであるって感じなのかな。 |
7.Mcluskyがウェールズのバンドだなんて知らなかった。昨年のATPではビックリするほどパワフルなライブをしてたよ! 解散したばかり?! ショック...。
Boltは素敵だった! |
AWOLってバンドに在籍している彼女が歌った1曲は本当に際立っているんだ。同時に、アルバムの他の部分でもサウンドにもっと幅をもたせるため手伝ってもらったんだよ。ライブで演奏するときにヴォーカルを導入するのは更に困難なことだね、とくにツアー中は会場にPAがないような場所でよくプレイするからさ。 |
9.ギグを通じて最も表現したいことって何かな? それとギグとレコーディングの違いについてはどう考えてる?
僕らのギグではたぶん音量こそが主な要素になる!! もし僕らの鳴らす音がやかましく聞こえないのなら、同等のパワーがないだけだろうね。君が僕らのようなバンドを観ていると仮定したら、隣りの人と会話もできないくらい音量はラウドであるべきだ、と思うんだ。僕らはいつも冗談を言い合っているんだけど、どうして僕らがギグをしている最中に観客の誰一人として会場を出て行かないのだろうって。なぜかというと、"これはひどいな、出ようよ"と言ったところで相手にはまったく聴こえないからね。だけど、ギグは僕らにとって使い古した'圧力解放'でもあるんじゃないのかな。たとえ一日でどれくらい遠くにドライブしたかもしれないか、とか、いくつの議論が互いと共にあったかとしても、実際のギグは他の何もかもと切り離されているんだ。 |
'Krkonose'からの2曲に自分たちで撮影した映像を収録したEP、それとZan LyonsやShitmatなどによるリミックスも予定しているんだ。他に可能性のあるリリースとしてライブ・アルバムがあって、去年行ったギグのうち一公演と、ラジオ・セッションとのライブ音源を織り交ぜたものになると思う。まだどれにするか選び出してないんだけどね。この音源に関しては香港の友人がリリースしたがっていて、驚くべきものになるだろう。長い眼で見ても日本でプレイすることは非現実的というか。日本でプレイすることの素晴らしさについては色々と聞いているよ、きっと一生に一度の旅になるんだろうね! |