
'cabled linear traction' cd&lp (fluff/slumberland) 94/95
'silent '88' cd&lp (slumberland) 96
'structured disasters' cd&lp (happy go lucky) 97
'rustic houses, forlorn valleys' cd&lp (domino) 98
'the cycle of days and seasons' cd&lp (domino) 99
'cold house' cd&lp (domino/aetathetics) 11.01
'singles compiled' cd (misplaced music) 03.03
'compilations 1995-2002' cd (misplaced music) 03.03

'sirens' 7" (fluff) 92
'opening into enclosure' 7" (fluff) 93
'57 white bread' (hedonist productions ) 94

split with carmine 7" orange) 95
'a harbour of thoughts' 7" (orgasm) 95
split with hem 7" (malpractice) 95
'lee faust's million piece orchestra' 7" (555) 95
'i've forgotten how to live' 7" (love train) 96
'secrets now known to others' 7" (earworm) 96
'useless' 7" (domino) 97
'filmed initiative' 7" (happy go lucky) 98
'the year of occasional lull' 7" (rocket racer) 98
'(the) weight' 7" (555) 98
split with steward 7" (jonathon whiskey) 00
'home is where it hurts' cdep&7" (domino/aesthetics) 26.03.01
'photographers' 7" (misplaced music) 11.01
'you show no emotion at all' cdep (domino) 04.03

based in leeds, united kingdom

chris adams
richard adams
gareth s brown
stephen r

post rock // electronica // indie guitar // sad core //


essential discs*

'rustic house,forlorn valleys'

'cold house'

'compilations 1995-2002'

essential tracks*
diesel pioneers (from 'rustic houses forlorn valleys')
... the cliff edge of workday morality (from 'the cycle of days and seasons')
home is where it hurts (from 'home is where it hurts')
I can't find my brittle youth (from 'split with steward')
they removed all traces that anything had... (from 'cold house')
branches bare (from 'cold house')

ローファイなインディ・ギターを出発点として スロウ・コア ポストロックを経由
目下のところ 終着点となっている'cold house'では
独自のHood節を損なう事なく エレクトロニカ アヴァン・ヒップホップにまでも踏み込んでいった
リーズの10年選手 円熟期を迎えた その燻し銀のプレイは
今なお 進化をし続け ジャンルを超越した フィールドを あくまで淡々と駆け抜けていく (08.08.03)

third eye foundation // movietone // fridge // clouddead // notwist

related links*
misplaced music