jubilate, o vos animae beate, dulcia cantica canendo cantui vestro respondendo, psallant aethera cum me. Recitativo Fulget amica dies, jam fugere et nubia et procellae; exortus est justis in exspectata quies. undique obscura regnabat nox, surgite tandem laeti, qui timuistis ad huc, et jucundi aurorae fortunatae frondes dextera plena et lilia date. |
virginum corona, tu nobis pacem dona, tu consolare affectus, unde suspirat cor. |
Alleluja. |
【 使用楽譜 】
【 対訳 】 ★ エクセル分析ファイル
【 解説 】 Exsultate, Jubilate - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) The motet Exsultate, jubilate, K.165, was composed when Mozart was just sixteen. Wolfgang and his father, Leopold, had travelled to Milan in October 1772 for the premiere of the opera Lucio Silla. The famous castrato Venanzio Rauzzini had sung the role of Cecillo in the opera - 'like an angel', according to Leopold. Precisely why Mozart composed Exsultate, jubilate at that time, and why specifically for Rauzzini and not a female soprano, is not known. The virtuosity of the piece and its florid, coloratura style at least give us some idea today of the quality of Rauzzini's voice. Exsultate, jubilate received its first performance on January 17, 1773, in the Church of San Antonio, Milan. In this work Mozart combines the aria and recitative style of 'opera seria' with the three-part form of the Italian symphony, the movements of which have tempos that are fast, slow, and fast respectively. The result is a miniature vocal concerto in three movements. The work opens with an Allegro in F major, followed by a slower, more lyrical Andante in A major that is preceded by a recitative. The concluding movement, Molto Allegro in F major, is the brilliant and famous Alleluia, a favourite of sopranos and concertgoers worldwide.【 データ 】
【 歌詩分析ノート 】 今回、しばらくぶりにラテン語の分析をした。 しかし、実は最初、「ラテン語」は読んでいないのである!?!? というのは、だらしがなくて「羅和辞典」がしばらく見つからなかったのだ。 困った! しょうがないので、苦肉の策でイタリア語の辞典で調べだした。 するとあらら不思議!!! いくつかの単語を除いてほとんどの単語が、 形を変えてイタリア語に使われていることを発見した。 発見のポイントは音韻法則だ。 エクセル分析ファイルは イタリア語から埋まっていったのである。 |