I live my life in the city There's no easy way out The day's moving just too fast for me I need some time in the sunshine I've gotta slow it right down The day's moving just too fast for me I live my life for the stars that shine People say it's just a waste of time When they said I should feed my head That to me was just a day in bed I'll take my car and drive real far You're not concerned about the way we are In my mind my dreams are real Now you're concerned about the way I feel Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star I live my life in the city There's no easy way out The day's moving just too fast for me I need some time in the sunshine I've gotta slow it right down The day's moving just too fast for me I live my life for the stars that shine People say it's just a waste of time When they said I should feed my head Well, that to me was just a day in bed I'll take my car and drive real far You're not concerned about the way we are In my mind my dreams are real Now you're concerned about the way I feel Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star You're not down with who I am Look at you now, you're all in my hands Tonight Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star Tonight, I'm a rock 'n' roll star It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll It's just rock 'n' roll 俺は安易な逃避手段がない街で 何とか今日まで生き延びてきた 毎日が目も眩むような速さで過ぎ去っていく 太陽の下で過ごす時間が必要なんだ この辺でペースを落とさなければ 毎日が目も眩むような早さで通り過ぎていく 俺の人生は輝かしいスターたちの為にあるんだから 皆がそんなのは時間の無駄だなんていうけど 奴らのいう"知識の共有"なんてのは 俺にとっちゃ退屈以外の何物でもない 愛車に飛び乗り地の果てまでまっしぐら 連中の中傷や嘲笑なんか届かないような場所まで だって俺にとってこの夢は現実 でもそんな俺の心境なんかどうでもいいんだろう 今夜、俺はロックンロールスターなんだから おまえらなんかにおれがどういう奴かなんて解りゃしない ほら自分自身を見てみろよ 今夜のおまえたちは俺の思うまま |