MPC FAQ/Buglist/Confusing things/naggings/younameit.

Akai finally released OS ver 1.70 for MPC2000. And most known problems
seemed to be wiped out, or occurs less often.
If you are still using a version prior to this, I strongly recommend you to
go to Akai EMI home page and update your system. (it even has a few new
things stuffed in, you know?)
If you've experienced a matter not listed below, please mail it to me.
my goal is to derive a page that can answer any queries an MPC head
could have!

A quick note:
Many problems that were considered to be another 'MPC bug' is
actually caused by incompatible / Dodgy memory modules (SIMMs).
If you are frequently experiencing bizarre error messages (like that
div.error xxxx.xxxx window), try removing the expanded memory
and run the machine with only standard 2MB Ram to see if the problem
still appears.
( somehow the SIMM slots are just below the pads where we bang onto.
 does anyone suffer problems only when you smack it hard?)
BTW, I had most of the ideas in this page from another guy on net,
but his page suddenly became inaccessible. any info regarding
this man on the net who had a truly useful MPC2k page will be highly appreciated.

Can it span a sample across a MIDI keyboard and play like a 'normal' sampler?

Simple answer: NO. but it still can pitch sounds up/down 2 octaves thou.

Mixed up/Messed up Track names
when a sequence is saved onto a disk, all the track names are swapped
around, although the actual note information is unaffected. this STILL
happens with OS1.70.
Screen LCD too bright.
maybe a modification to the power supply?
Malfunctioning Floppy drive
some users report that they need to try several times to load the system.
Drive swap? (or maybe just a dodgy disk)
Divide by zero error:
Very rare, but the machine may freeze after
dumping core register value of the CPU (an NEC 286 compatible).
What causes this is a total mystery, but probably poor quality SIMMs.
(from OS1.5, this is displayed in a more Elegant way.)
short .wav files can't be read.
Any files below certain length don't load properly.
Shortest I've tried and succeeded was about 4k.
Slow SCSI transfer.
Any SCSI device can only be accessed at the
speed of a floppy drive. This is no longer an issue in OS1.50 and above.
Mute screen in 1.31
You can't move to another sequences while
in the mute screen. Fixed in 1.50.
MIDI through messages sent to unexpected channel.
With MIDI through turned on, while trying to play an external module
via MPC2000, MIDI message is sent to an unexpected channel.
Reason: in fact MPC2000 is always in MIDI-OMNI mode.
what it means is that any channel information sent from external
MIDI controller is ignored. MIDI messages are only sent to the
track that is currently chosen/active. (just like MC-303. annoying.)
(but it still throughed messages in the mute screen in OS 1.31,
but in OS1.50 and above, it doesn't even do this. I had to change
my working method drastically because of this. why had Akai changed this?)

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